4 research outputs found

    Multi-modales Biofeedback System zur Vorbeugung von Stürzen Multi-modal Biofeedback System for the Prevention of Falls

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    Das Biofeedback des Körperschwankens stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, Patienten mit statischen und dynamischen Gleichgewichtsproblemen alternative Sinnesreize zur Erlangung eines stabilen Gleichgewichts zur Verfügung zu stellen, was zu einer Verbesserung ihrer Lebensqualität führt. Das Biofeedback-System erzeugt mittels am Kopf befestigter Signalwandler auditive, vibro-taktile und vibro-vestibuläre Sinneseindrücke. Die Ergebnisse sowohl an jungen als auch an älteren Probanden ergaben, dass mit Hilfe des Biofeedbacks eine bemerkenswerte 40-60%ige Reduktion des Körperschwankens erzielt werden konnt

    Trunk sway reductions in young and older adults using multi-modal biofeedback

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    This study investigated whether real-time biofeedback of angular trunk displacement could alter balance performance among healthy older and young adults. Healthy community-dwelling older adults (n=32) and healthy young adults (n=32) were included in the randomized control trial study. The intervention group received combined vibrotactile, auditory and visual biofeedback of angular trunk displacement in real-time during training on a battery of static and dynamic balance tasks and during the subsequent post-training balance re-assessment. The control group received balance training and were re-assessed in the absence of real-time biofeedback of their trunk displacement. The 90% range of angular trunk displacement was calculated for each balance task pre- and post-training. Significant age-related differences were observed independent of the intervention. Biofeedback intervention significantly changed the angular displacement of the trunk for both young and older participants on a number of balance tasks compared to control treatment (40-60% reduction in angular displacement). In some cases, biofeedback influenced balance in older adults, but not younger adults